Friday, November 2, 2018

Photo Friday - The Yarniverse

As I mentioned yesterday, there's a new yarn shop in town.

My most recent yarn haul from The Center of the Yarniverse
yarn haul

The Center of the Yarniverse in downtown Ashland, Virginia.  

As you can tell, I stopped in the other day and I was quite pleased with the shop.  Maybe a little too pleased.

The staff was friendly and helpful without being the least bit pushy.  And the yarn...  Oh my goodness, the yarn!  They had yarn for every budget and lots of it.  The shop is small and filled to the brim but it in no way feels overwhelming or claustrophobic.  They've really done a great job with setting up their displays.

The Center of the Yarniverse in Ashland, VA sells yarn for every budget.
yarn fumes

Considering all the shop had to offer, I didn't buy much but I did purchase three Christmas gifts and a pair of socks for myself worth of yarn.

The shop is so new they haven't even had their grand opening yet.  The grand opening celebration is scheduled for November 10th and guess what - I don't have to work that day!  

This new yarn shop is going to be a very, very dangerous place.


  1. Lovely and friendly yarn shops are harder to find than you think they will be! You're fortunate to have one so close by. Although yarn fumes are a powerful force! ;-)

    1. Yes they are! There used to be only 1 shop in the city and although I shopped there constantly, I was never comfortable. Always felt like I needed to be wearing an evening gown & gloves and provide a credit score before entering.

  2. I'm glad you supported the new store, it is a win/win. They have a happy customer and you have new beautiful yarn. Enjoy!

    1. I'm so excited to have a nearby store to support! Just don't tell my husband. He might take away my car keys. :)

  3. OOOh, la la - that is some gorgeous yarns! I do love a yarn shop that has a wide varied budget, high end ones are not practical for all kinds of knitting if you ask me.

    1. Agreed! Expensive yarns are great for occasional purchases but not for weekly, every-time-I-go-to-town yarn shopping.
