Thursday, September 14, 2017

One, Two, Three

So, I joined a 'thing' called Think Write Thursday yesterday, not really knowing what it was.  Over the past year, a blogger or two that I follow has participated and I thought I'd join too, if for no other reason than possible motivation to create a blog post once a week.  As luck would have it, I received an email this morning saying that Think Write Thursday has now been changed to Three on Thursday.  Actually, it really is a pretty lucky thing for me.  Now, I don't have to 'write,' I simply have to list three things.  I like lists.

But dang!  This is a lot of pressure!  What should today's list be about??

Since it's my first time participating, I'm going to make a pretty simple list.

Three things I should be doing instead of knitting:

1. Scrubbing the bathroom
2. Scrubbing the dog
3. Moving the laundry from the washer to the dryer before it molds.

Want to place bets on how many of those things I accomplish today?

To view others' lists, go here.


  1. That's a lot of scrubbing! You'd think they'd invent a washer that would move your laundry to the dryer by now.

  2. I think Lydia is on to something . . . we need appliances that will wash and then DRY our laundry! (And maybe fold it, too . . . while we're at it.)

  3. Your list is all too familiar to me!
    And thanks for the chuckle.
