Friday, June 23, 2017

Thank you, Mr. UPS Dude

So, I realize I sound like a walking & talking advertisement for Knit Picks these days but....  I just can't help myself.  Their 40% off summer sale has taken over my life.

I need my own UPS hub

UPS is considering building me my own hub...

UPS delivering yarn.  Truck full of yarn

And my delivery dude is starting to fear me.  I can only imagine what he thinks when I try to hug him then snatch the box out of his arms & immediately start tearing into it while babbling about yarn fumes.

giant box of sale yarn from Knit Picks
yarn haul

But, hey - can you blame me?

Maybe I should knit him an apology gift.  Would that be weird?


  1. Oh what a fantastic post, so can relate to the excitement of waiting for a delivery and then when it arrives, it's like Christmas, enjoy :)

  2. Well well well, how awesome is your ups guy? Giving you yarn love :)
