Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Another load of joy

It's Wednesday which means I'm joining up with other creatives over on Kat's Unraveled post to discuss what we're making and reading.  Sadly, I haven't been spending much time reading lately.  I'm still working my way through Pressure Drop.

Instead of reading during my spare time yesterday, I watched Maximum Overdrive, one of my all-time favorite movies.  Have you seen it?  It terrifies my daughter but my husband and I, with our twisted senses of humor, find it hilarious.  And highly quotable.  Rarely a day goes by that we don't include a quote from the movie in our daily lives.

Maximum Overdrive, written & directed by Stephen King. Best movie ever!
Another load of joy

And while I watched and giggled and quoted the lines along with the cast, I knit a few rounds on my scrap pi shawl.

1 comment:

  1. I have not seen it! I hope you get more time to make progress on your knitting. I'm knitting more than reading...
