Wednesday, June 28, 2017

No Unraveling Here

It hasn't exactly been a productive week as far as my knitting and reading goes.  As far as anything goes, really.  My summer work schedule is taking a serious bite out of my time/goals/life.

The sinus infection I mentioned a few weeks ago has not helped my 'me' time either.  It turned out to be the mother of all sinus infections.  After the first round of antibiotics were gone, my face was still visibly swollen & the pain that prevented sleep returned.  Back to the doctor I went and back to the pharmacy she sent me.  This time I have more, super strength antibiotics, one of those 'take 10 pills the first day, 9 the next....' steroid packs, and nausea medicine and a double dose of probiotics to help prevent the crazy strong antibiotic related stomach issues.  About all I have time for these days is pill popping.

Simple knit lace scarf hand knit with Knit Picks Stroll Gradient in the Rocket Ship color way.
Rocket Ship Scarf

I have managed to get a tiny bit of knitting done on my Rocket Ship scarf.  The stitch pattern couldn't be easier.  I simply cast on a few garter stitch edge stitches then *yo, P2tog, knit 5* across until two stitches remain then yo, P2tog and garter more edge stitches.  Then repeat for every row.  So simple!

As for my reading, I can't believe it, but I am STILL reading Only the Truth by Adam Croft.  My Kindle tells me I'm 98% complete so if I get a break at work tonight, I should finally finish it.

Join me over at Kat's Unraveled Wednesday post to see what other creatives are crafting and reading.


  1. So sorry to hear about this sinus infection. They can be really miserable -- and they can hang on. I hope it clears up soon.

  2. I am so sorry you are still unwell. I've been on steroids many times and thankfully they just keep me awake all the time and I can't sit still and want to clean my house non stop. (not a bad problem to have..). Hope you are feeling much better. And if you aren't seeing an ENT maybe if it doesn't clear up he/she could help. My ENT has made my life immensely better.

    1. Ha ha - I'm not sleeping either but sadly, I'm also not cleaning. I can't seem to focus on anything. I have total mush brain. Thanks for the ENT suggestion. If it doesn't clear up this time, I'll definitely go that route.

  3. Hi there - I saw your comment on my blog but couldn't reply without an email. The bag in the photo was so fun to make and super simple. I won't be purchasing too much wool on my trip since we are backpacking but maybe a skein or too - yarn is so squishy! Hope you are on the mend soon. Summer colds and sinus infections are awful!

    1. Oh my! I'm picturing myself yarn shopping in the Shetlands while backpacking. I'd need at least 3 donkeys to help me carry the load. NO self restraint here! :)

  4. Ugh, sinus infections. I hope yours clears up for real.

    Why are there some books that, even if you like them, take so long to read? And then others that you want to be leisurely go so quickly? It's just not fair. :-)

    I love that you are making a Rocket Ship shawl!

  5. Hoping that all the extra strength drugs work this time to really clear up your infection for good. It would be great if you started to feel well enough to knit more on your Rocket Ship!

    1. LOL, I told the doctor my face hurt so bad I couldn't knit. She looked at me like I'd grown a third head. The new round of meds seem to be doing the trick though. Keeping my fingers crossed.
