Monday, April 18, 2016

Come Monday

Have you noticed I seem to have daily theme songs playing in my head?  Today, it's Jimmy Buffett's Come Monday.  I'm not wearing my hush-puppies, but I am singing, "Come Monday, it will be alright..."

And alright, it is.  First and foremost, I feel better.  I've been sort of sick since the middle of last week.  I've had some kind of cold/allergies/lung rot thing.  Up until late yesterday it left me more exhausted from coughing & lack of sleep than actually feeling bad.  By last night, I wasn't feeling so great & by 6 a.m. this morning, I was begging for death.  I took yet another mega-dose of Mucinex, went back to bed and (once again, thanks to Jimmy Buffett & God's Own Drunk) "slept for four hours and dreampt me some tremulous dreams" and woke up feeling much improved despite the weird, vivid dreams.  Thank you Mucinex!

hand knit cowl for sale at

Second, I finished the Make Believe #2 cowl and promptly blocked it, using my new Knitter's Pride blocking pins.

Cowl blocking with Knitters Pride blocking pins. for sale at
Make Believe #2 

I'm in love with the blocking pins.  They are a huge time saver!

Third, the Biotin really does seem to be working.  Last Monday, my nails looked like this:

Started using Biotin to help my nails grow.

And this week...

The Biotin seems to be working.  My nails are growning.

Okay, yes, my nails still look horrible, as do my cuticles and the skin around my nails.  But, I only fully broke two nails over the weekend.  I dented up and took a notch or two out of a few others, but only two actually broke/ripped off.  That is a HUGE improvement.  And if I could find a lotion that was gentle enough not to cause allergic irritations but strong enough to combat the frequent hand washing & antibacterial gel bathes I'd be in business.

In celebration, and to continue the Jimmy Buffett theme, I think I'll go grab a Corona & a cheeseburger and exercise my license to chill.


  1. yay to feeling better! I'm a big baby when I'm unwell. But then who isn't? lovely project!!

    1. Thanks! I can handle the big health issues - broken bones, major surgeries.... with no whining, but I get a cold or a hangnail & I become THE biggest baby!
