Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Knitting with books

Not much knitting going on here.  Believe it or not, we have the flu.  Again!  Our family is normally very healthy & we go years without needing to visit the doctor but this year... This is the second time since New Year's that the flu has wiped out the family.

This time around, it's been particularly horrendous.  No stomach issues thankfully but instead, high fevers & even our toenails ache.  At one point, my temperature went to 104.7 which was a little scary. Last night, the fever broke and today I'm way below normal. It was down to 95.9 at one point.  Not to be overly dramatic, but I feel death may be imminent. And it will be welcomed.  Did I mention even my toenails ache?

garter stitch and short rows shawl knit with Palette yarn from Knit Picks.
Short Row Wedge Shawl

But that's enough whining.

So, how blurry is that photo? I can't even tell.  Either my eyes are seriously suffering from the flu or I suddenly went blind.  Everything is horribly blurry and I can barely focus enough to read the super large print on the Kindle.

Phew! I'll try one more time.  No more whining.

Like I said, there hasn't been much knitting progress but I have added a third color stripe to my short row wedge shawl.  I really need a better name for it because  I keep calling it Wedgie in my head.  I'm knitting it with stashed skeins of Palette from Knit Picks.  As for books, I'm still reading The Secret Garden.

Join me over at Ginny's Yarn Along for a discussion about what others are knitting and reading.

(This post contains affiliate links.)


  1. I don't think I have ever read the Secret Garden - I think I might have to hit up the library. Sickness has been a constant at our house this winter as well, and we went for a good 3 years with no trouble. I need to start hitting up the Braggs raw apple cider vinegar again...

  2. I blame your daughter. Sarah needs to stop this college nonsense and stay at home where she belongs.....wait, you said she wanted to try out a trach tube on you think she made you guys sick so that she could do emergency surgery on you while waiting for the ambulance???

    1. LOL. Ugh! I feel like I need a trach tube. I'm almost ready to let her practice on me.

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. (um, you have seen a doctor? Or called one? That sort of dramatic temperature change can actually mean bad things like sepsis.... and if you're too sick to knit or read, that's pretty bad.)

    1. I know I'm sick when I can't even garter stitch! Thanks for your concern. The wild temperature swings were a little scary but it's regulated back out now. I think I'm going to live. :)

  5. Feel better soon (take some paracetamol for that temperature and aches and pains.)

  6. I love reading and knitting as well! It doesn't always work, but when it does, it makes me so happy. So sorry to hear that the stomach bugs have been round your house! Everyone I know has been hit this year, it's been a bad winter for illness.
