Tuesday, October 11, 2016

On the needles

I'm still knitting on the green Christmas gift.

hand knit scarf for a Christmas gift.  Also for sale at https://www.etsy.com/shop/jeanniegrayknits
Christmas gift knitting

I think the yarn has magical powers.  For two days, I've been knitting away, thinking that I'll come to the end of the skein any moment.  The end never comes though.  Sort of like the end of this project.

Yes, this Christmas gift is starting to have that never ending feel to it.  I'm having to fight the urge to start a new project, or twenty.  Instead of finishing the thing on my needles, I just keep adding to my Things To Knit in 2016 list.  I could knit 24/7 for the next ten years and not finish everything on my 2016 list.  Good grief!

Oh well, at least I won't struggle with coming up with a list of things to knit in 2017.


  1. I started some holiday knitting and so far I keep making mistakes...ugh. However I've found that I need to focus and not watch tv or talk during fair isle knitting!! Lovely green and I love when yarn lasts forever :)

    1. I love it when you can get into the rhythm of fair isle but it does take some concentration. It didn't sound like it, but I'm glad this yarn seems to have magical never ending powers because I was worried I wasn't going to have enough.
