Saturday, August 3, 2024

Market Prepping

I'm still market prepping and haven't done any personal knitting in what feels like a very long time.  Sadly, it doesn't make for very interesting blog fodder.  The severe thunderstorm we are in the midst of isn't helping any with the photos either.  At least we still have power.  It was off for a bit during last night's storm.

Today I have been finishing various things I've made.  Stuffing things, weaving in ends, that kind of thing.

Have any of you ever needed the 5 lb box of poly-fil?  I kept going through the large bags of it so I finally broke down and bought the more economical giant box.  It scared me when I opened it because as soon as I cut a hole in the bag inside the box, the poly-fil just started growing and growing and growing.  It was spewing out like a volcano.  I've used about a foot worth in height and there's still no pushing it back into the box.  I just have to keep using it up before I can reseal the box.  Shouldn't be a problem though.  I still have Lots of items to stuff.

I also have lots of hats and gloves to tag.  I bought these tags back in the winter, just after Christmas I think, but I've never attached them to anything.  Yes, I'm a bad shop owner and haven't listed anything new in ages.  I really like these tags though and was super excited to find that they sent me an extra 50 tags!  I ordered the rectangles and they sent me the rectangles I ordered plus 50 of the ovals, or at least what I'm calling ovals. If you are in the market for tags, I bought mine from RiseTailor Studio on Etsy.  (No affiliate, just happy with my tags.)  Shipping took a while, I can't remember how long exactly, but I do remember they arrived several weeks earlier than expected.

And just because I'm excited that I'm all legal now...

I have a business license, a banner and a tent to hang it from.  At least I hope I have a tent.  I have a very heavy tent bag.  I just haven't tried to take the tent out of the bag and set it up yet.  It's been back in the upper 90's and 4 gazillion percent humidity so the tent has remained in it's bag in the middle of the living room.  I'm going to have to start calling it an art sculpture if I don't do something about it soon.

Okay, time for me to get back to stuffing and weaving in ends.

Happy knitting!


  1. Your first photo looks like a painted still life. I had to look at it several times because my brain kept telling It has been too hot to fiddle with anything. I swear the humidity sucks all the oxygen out of the air. I feel so lazy.

    1. LOL, well, there is a stemless pumpkin in the pile. :) The humidity has been AWFUL this year! I hate to wish it on anyone but we need a good, strong hurricane to suck all the humidity away.

  2. I will be interested to see how long that giant box of polyfil last you!

    1. Me too! I stuffed 6 pumpkins and 5 chickens last night and still can't get the box closed.

  3. good luck and I hope you sell everything!
