Saturday, July 20, 2024


No, I'm not sleeping, I have a new computer with a functioning Z key!  It's very exciting.  You don't realize how many times you need to type a 'z' until you can't.  I also have a new vacuum which may actually be even more exciting than the new computer.  Thank you Amazon Prime Days!  The new computer is a little frustrating at the moment because I can't find my files and things are just slightly different.  I'll adjust soon.  I hope.

Meanwhile, this is going to be very brief because I'm about to loose my internet.  We are currently working with a borrowed-from-the-library internet pack because of stupid Verizon.  I can NOT express how much I despise Verizon and their nonexistent customer service.  For years, the only way we can pay for our internet service is to wait until they cut if off then pay through the link they provide in their nasty-gram late notice.  And that is because when the account was set up, they made a typo on my husband's social security number (the account is in his name) and so now, when we have to provide the social security number to pay the bill, they don't match and they won't allow us to pay it.  We have contacted them over and over and over and spoken to managers and supervisors and sent letters.... and if we can get anyone to help, they say it's fixed but then the next month rolls around and .... same problem all over again.  So, for over a year, we've just waited for the late notice link and paid it that way.  Except this month, it says our zip code doesn't match.  Nothing has changed on our part.  WTF?  It is beyond frustrating and my husband has declared, "Oh well.  Screw 'em.  I guess they won't get paid."  Except that also means we have no  internet.   ARGH!

All that to say, I'm typing quickly because now that I finally have a working computer (there were other problems besides the Z key) it's time to return the library's internet thing.  Argh!

I'm not really prepared with photos or anything to talk about, but I did want to get a post in before our internet disappears for who knows how long.  So....

I've been busy knitting furry headbands for winter.  I'm a little panicked.  I had applied to be a vendor at the county fair months ago and never heard anything so I assumed I didn't get in but....  I finally heard from them and now I have 4 weeks to prepare.  Worse case scenario, I'll sell those DAV hats I've been knitting, but I hope that doesn't happen.

Remember the hat Hayden stole from me that I mentioned in last week's post?  I had already started knitting fingerless gloves to go with it.  Very simple, plain ribbed fingerless gloves.  They are finished and now I have to knit another hat to match.  ... To sell at the fair, of course.

And I'm injured and traumatized.  I got a splinter.  That's not even the whole splinter.  The ends broke off while trying to pull it out.  It was all the way through the pad of my big toe, all the way, sticking out of both sides of my toe.  Sarah ended up having to use a razor blade to cut it out.  Thank goodness for her EMT training because (1) I couldn't bend enough to get a good enough look at it to remove it, (2) I would never have been able to use that razor blade on myself and (3) Patient First was closed and I wasn't going to the real ER for a splinter.  She's either a good surgical candidate or she has no qualms about slicing up her mom.

And on that note, I'm off to vacuum again, just because I can, and then do some more panic knitting.  Hopefully we'll get the internet situation straightened out soon and I'll be back to ramble on some more.  Have I mentioned how much I dislike Verizon?

Happy knitting!


  1. Oh my gosh....that splinter!!!! The Mister has a real thing about splinters and I'm going to show him yours just to be
    I hear you with Verizon and we might as well throw Comcast in there too. Customer service is an after thought with these companies because they know we have no other choices down here in the boonies.
    I can't believe I missed Prime Days. I need a new Chromebook. Mine is slowly dying. They told me over a year ago it wouldn't get any updates but I just keep using it. If I disappear off Blogger one day-that's why.

    1. I was trying to hold out on the laptop but... My hinges were broken so it wouldn't close and it was getting harder & harder to prevent the screen from falling backwards, and even more fun, every time I hit the Enter key, the screen would minimize or maximize, plus the track-pad didn't always work properly. It was great fun to type on. Haha.

  2. That splinter is the stuff of nightmares! I hope you can find some internet solution that will work for you; I've dealt with a mistake issue before, and it's not fun when no one can seem to figure out how to fix it.

    1. Thanks! My splinter toe seems to be healing well. It's a little sore, but doesn't seem the least bit infected or inflamed - something I was a little worried about after the home surgery. Ha ha.
