Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Candy Corn

So, remember me talking about Snowblind  by Christopher Golden and how much I was enjoying it?  Well, I finished it.  And LOVED it!  I began to have my doubts over the last few chapters.  The story suddenly became very predictable.  It felt like the author was maybe under a deadline and was rushing to tidy up the details.  I became a little disappointed.  It was still a good story and told well but...  And then all of a sudden - the last two sentences.  I got chills and had to put on a sweater. 

If you like Stephen King type horror, Snowblind is a Must Read!

knitting an orange and yellow blanket and eating Candy Corn.

Since finishing Snowblind, I haven't picked up any other book worth mentioning.  I have, however, been eating my weight in candy corn and knitting on Sarah's orange blanket.  It's very strange how it's knitting up.  I knit and knit and knit and knit 100 more rows and there's no visual progress.  Then I knit one more row and presto, magic!  I've suddenly added six inches in length to the blanket.  It's very strange.  Perhaps Mr. Golden should write a book about it.

To see what others are knitting and reading, join me over at As Kat Knits for today's #Unraveled link-up.


  1. I like that it is candy corn colors!

  2. you write a compelling review to the book but I do not like horror...Love your candy corn colors as well! Festive!

  3. Isn't candy corn addicting? I love the stuff so much that I try very hard to avoid it. I can't stop once I start.

  4. Candy corn... oh man. I love that stuff so much! And, I love how your blanket knitting matches perfectly!

  5. Love the colours, book sounds good too, glad it finished well, nothing worse than getting to the last couple of chapters and a good story feeling rushed.
