Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Mitered Squares

Goodness gracious! I still haven't caught up from working Spring Break week and I have the feeling the summer isn't going to help any.  I'm ridiculously behind in every aspect of my life and I can't seem to catch up.  Okay, mainly, I can't catch up because I'm spending all my spare time watching YouTube music videos and playing computer solitaire.  Yikes.

mitered square blanket knit with scrap sock yarn for
Mitered Squares

Somewhere inbetween music videos & rounds of solitaire, I've knit a few more mitered squares.  My stats are currently 276 knit, 108 still to go for a total of 384 squares.  I'm not even going to think about the tangled mass of ends I will need to weave in when I'm done. I'm channeling my inner Scarlet on that one and will think about weaving in the ends on another day.

I've also been reading The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone.  The book hasn't exactly taught me anything I didn't already know but it has been a good reminder that if I want to succeed, I need to put out more effort.  Admittedly, I'm sure I'd benefit much more from the book if I wasn't still suffering from spring break burn out.

Join me over at to see what others are reading while they knit.

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  1. Look at all those beautiful, colorful mitered squares! You're well along, and fiddle-dee-dee, you can think about weaving in ends another day!

    1. I'm honestly considering putting a backing of some sort on it so that I don't have to weave in the ends. We'll see how it goes.

  2. Love your blanket but don't think I would have the patience to knit all those squares, think the idea of a backing is good one.

  3. I love your squares! Wow, gorgeous. And, I hear you on being behind and trying to catch up! It is an uphill battle!

  4. That's a lot of squares! I'm sure it's going to be beautiful!
