Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Just Knit It

After finishing up the Pittura cowl last week, I needed a new simple project to knit on while reading or when I come home stupid-tired from work in the wee hours of the morning.  Although I'm usually completely brain dead and half falling asleep driving home, I'm always slightly wired too.  Thirty minutes of very mindless knitting and a boring book help me calm down & get to sleep though.

Just knit it - a simple shawl or scarf to knit in garter stitch
Just Knit It

So....  I picked Just Knit It.  It's perfect. It's a garter stitch shawlette (I'll wear it more like a scarf) with increases at each end on each row.  All those increases means it quickly grows much wider (or longer) than it does in depth.  Once again, I'm using some Louisa Harding Pittura that I picked up at The Knitting B in Richmond. (No link - sadly their website seems to be down.)

So far, I've only knit on Just Knit It during a couple of email reading sessions. I wasn't too sure about my yarn choice at first but the more I knit, the more I like it.  I'm also loving the way it coordinates with my planner's cover.

Did you notice what's missing from today's post?  I normally talk about what I'm reading on Wednesdays but I'm a little embarrassed about this week's list.  Nineteen Eight Four has been relegated to my post-work, 'boring' reading and I've been devouring one smutty romance after another.  And they're just too trashy to name.  I miss hooking up with other knitters & readers on the Wednesday Yarn Along but I sure am glad I don't feel like I 'have' to go public with this week's book choices.

*Edited to say that I'm excited to have found another blogger to link up with on Wednesdays.  Join me over at As Kat Knits.


  1. I have that same thing after work - so tired but too wired. Enjoy your knitting

  2. Your Just Knit It scarf looks like the perfect uncomplicated knitting project we all need, and the yarn is beautiful. Just like how we all need some light, uncomplicated reading at times (even if it is a bit trashy). Enjoy!

  3. Welcome, Jeannie! I am so glad you are joining me!

    I love your yarn choice for your Just Knit It scarf! I think that will be a very wearable item! I just finished 1984 - it was a good read, but had so much to think about! I think you are smart to burn through some easy reading - all reading is good reading! (even those trashy novels!!)
