Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Triangles, semi circles and the end of the world

It's Yarn Along Wednesday when knitters share what they are knitting and reading with Ginny over at Small Things and the question I'm asking today is.....

Exactly how long have I been knitting?

knitting Reyna with Knit Picks Palette wool
It's a triangle

Apparently not long enough.  

I'd planned to knit this version of Reyna in a semi circular shape and just noticed today that I was knitting another triangle.  I've been knitting on this thing for over a week, happily thinking I was knitting a semi circle while doing a single centered increase down the center.  Row after row of centered increases.  Centered increases that form a triangle shape, not a semi circle.


So the big question is, do I keep going?  Do I just finish knitting another triangle shaped Reyna that I'll end up spending the rest of my life being mad at for turning out wrong (because, you know, it's the shawl's fault, not the knitter's!) or do I frog a week's worth of knitting.  A week's worth of knitting during the season of Very limited time to knit.  A week's worth of knitting during the season of limited knitting time when there's really nothing wrong with it other than it's a triangle instead of a semi circle?

Not a semi circle

Dammit!  I hate having to make decisions like that even more than I hate knitting a triangle when I meant to knit a semi circle.

Kindle's version of On the Beach by Nevil Shute

Oh well.  I'll just go read another chapter of On the Beach and contemplate triangles vs. semi circles and the end of the world.


  1. Well, it's a lovely shawl and it would really be a horrible waste to frog it. Is there perhaps someone you know that might love to have it...shawls make awesome gifts...just saying. Oh and yes, it most certainly is the shawls fault...always the knittings fault...never the knitter....I am with you on that one. :) Wishing you a most lovely day.

  2. I would leave it alone. It looks so pretty and you have come so far. I like the colors too!

  3. I think it's pretty and agree that even if you don't like it, someone else just might!

  4. I wouldn't rip out a week of knitting that didn't have any fatal mistakes. It's a quick knit, and you can always gift it!

  5. Don't rip it out. The book will be depressing enough without undoing a week's worth of knitting.

  6. Thanks everyone. I think I'll carry on with it.
