Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Road tripping to the Vet's

This isn't going to be much of a Wednesday Yarn Along post.  Over the past week, I've only knit about five rows on my modified Reyna shawl.
Modified Reyna

I've knit just enough to consider frogging the whole thing.  I ran out of the green yarn much earlier than expected and had to start the navy in the middle of the lace section instead of at the planned start of a garter section.  I don't like it, but I think I can live with it.  Except, the more I look at the shawl, that bright aqua blue looks like a cheap, $3.00 Walmart shirt instead of my favorite aqua/turquoise/warm seas color.  And now that I've had that thought, Walmart is all I see when I look at it.  I really don't want to end up with a shawl that looks like it cost $3.00 and came from Walmart.

As for what I'm reading, I'm a whole one chapter into Stephen King's Joyland.  I love a good scare and I've never met a Stephen King book I didn't like, but I'm almost afraid to turn the pages in this one.  Working at an amusement park and knowing in advance that this book will cause me to freak out over something silly at work on a daily basis....  Not to mention, one of the rides already mention in Joyland is called the Delirium.  Guess what King's Dominion's new ride is called.  Yep, it's the Delirium.  Chapter One & I'm already afraid to go to work.  Oh, and did I mention the main charector's name is Devin.  Guess what one our department supervisor's name is.  You guessed it!  She's a girl and spells it a little differently, but still.  I wonder how it will go if I call to say I'm too scared & freaked out to come to work.

Minnie enjoyed her trip to Ashland Veterinary Hospital
Road tripping to the Vet

Meanwhile, yesterday was my day off but I got no knitting or reading done because Minnie and I took a little road trip to the vet.  Minnie has a cyst-thing that suddenly popped up, and popped up in a big way, right in front of her ear.  We tried out a new vet yesterday and I'm SO glad we did.  The vet we've been seeing is convenient, but that's about all I have to say for them.  When I called to make an appointment with them, I was told they only have a doctor in one day a week.  It's a veterinary hospital!  What kind of hospital only has a doctor on staff once a week?  I called a friend who works for Ashland Veterinary Hospital and presto magic - we got an appointment on the requested day, had a Wonderful experience and now consider them our new vet.  In all my years, I've never had another vet go to such lengths to make an animal feel comfortable and less nervous.  Minnie does NOT like going to the vet and normally she has to be dragged in to the vet's office.  Literally dragged.  But AVH (for short) smelt friendly enough to her that she walked right in, she never weirded out and peed on the floor and by the end of the visit, she was eating (literally) out of Dr. Gretchen's hand.  I can not express how pleased I was with our visit there.  If you're in the area and looking for a vet, please consider AVH.

To find out what others are knitting and reading, check out the many Yarn Along posts on Ginny's blog, Small Things.


  1. The first shawl I made turned out beautiful but I hated the yarn I chose (too itchy on my neck). I have been planning to frog the whole thing but it's been a couple years since I made it and I've done nothing with it so far. If you finish it and won't wear it, spare yourself the agony seeing it laying around and frog it! I'm guessing you won't regret it!

  2. If you don't love it. don't knit it. Life's too short to spend time knitting things you don't love imho. Hope the dog is OK, a vet you can trust makes such a difference.
    I can't even talk about the scary book - I'm too much of a wuss!

  3. what a great experience!! I love my vet clinic, they all treat Frodo like he is there favorite - the techs all come out to give him a scratch on the head and love him up :)

  4. Nothing worse than hating what you're knitting. Frog and be rid, time is too precious to waste.
    Love that you've found a nice vet. It's so important for animals to feel at ease. We had an amazing vet down in London, he was so gentle and lovely, but way to far to travel to now. Thankfully we found someone closer to home that is nice although (touch wood) my cat is so healthy and not needed any treatment.
