Saturday, January 23, 2016

Blizzard of 2016

So, we're having ourselves a blizzard.

2016 blizzard

It started snowing yesterday around 11:00 a.m.

blizzard of 2016

These photos were taken around 4 p.m.

snow 1/22/16 2016 blizzard

Had to get that flag photo in.  You know how I have a thing for snowy flags.

snow plow, 1/22/16 blizzard of  2016

Our neighborhood snowplows are keeping up a constant vigil.  Yesterday, they were having a good time red-necking up & down the hills.  Today, not so much.  Today, they are barely moving.

Snow totals so far are hard to measure.  I went out this morning and because of the drifting, some places measured as little as eight inches while it was up over my knees in other places.  And I should probably tell you, I'm tall.  I have high knees.  It's supposed to continue snowing until 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. tonight.

So far, our power is still on and we still have plenty of food, booze and yarn so all is well in our little household.  While I hear that Richmond's Nickel Bridge is closed to automobile traffic & they are sledding on it,

Nickel Bridge, Richmond, VA

I'm keeping busy knitting.  I finished the second Marigold sock, although I do need to kitchner the toes.  I'll wait until the snow is gone for that because I probably need to be sober for kitchnering.

OTN 1/13/16 Hitchhiker

I started a Hitchhiker scarf using Knit Pick's Hawthorne in the Irvington colorway.  While I love the fluctuating blues and I enjoy knitting with Hawthorne, I am a teeny tiny bit worried about that much garter in a basically solid color yarn.  It's a fantastic, mindless TV & weather watching project though.

mitered squares blanket, knitting,
Mitered Squares

About a week ago, I dug out an abandoned scrap yarn mitered square blanket & have since been knitting one square a day.  Last night I picked it up to knit the obligatory daily square & never put it back down.  Turns out, it's warm & cuddly and a great snowy night project.

If it's snowing at your house, I hope you have food, booze & yarn.  Stay safe and warm!

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