Friday, December 12, 2014

Poinsettia Day

Happy Poinsettia Day!

Or as I pronounce it, point-set-ta.  It makes my kids crazy but hearing someone say it with the "i" that sounds like a long "e" drives me even crazier.  Just one of those quirks that I know you were dying to learn about.


Not much knitting has been taking place.  One pair of very plain & very large men's fingerless mitts is about all I've accomplished.  I continue to procrastinate on the Christmas Panic knitting by attempting to cram all the furniture, yarn & miscellaneous craft supplies into an area way to small to hold the furniture, yarn & miscellaneous craft supplies.  I've also managed to procrastinate on that project so much that it's still going on.  I can't find anything.  There's so much stuff piled up in weird places that even the dogs are freaked out.  I have, however, amassed a zillion quotes to use on my 2015 Twitter quote of the day posts.  So there's that.

And if I can manage to stretch out typing this blog post for another hour, it will be too late in the day to decorate the outside of the house for Christmas.  And if I can procrastinate on decorating another couple of days, it will be too late in the season to even bother & I won't have to do it at all.  The only glitch is, the girl child wants me to take her to the mall tomorrow.  I think I'd rather outdoor decorate than go to the mall.

Maybe tomorrow some new crisis will pop up that I can use to get out of going to the mall and decorating.  Something like the sudden, urgent need to reorganize my spring clothes.  Yeah, that actually sounds like something I should do.  Pronto!

Oh, and by the way, watch out!  The Sarah finished (and passed) drivers' ed yesterday.  She won't be able to get her real driver's license until April because she has to have her learner's permit for a certain amount of time but she thinks she's finished learning.  I think I need to be Googling for one of those "How's my driving?  Call my mom" bumper stickers.

No matter how you pronounce it, happy Poinsettia Day!

1 comment:

  1. It is DEFINITELY pronounced "point-set-ah" Not "point-set-ee-ah" and NEVER "point-set-ya"

    Congrats to Sarah. I feel safe out here in Oregon!
