Wednesday, September 11, 2024

When Hats Scare Me

First, thank you all for the well wishes.  I'm still coughing like crazy but I've returned to work and am feeling much better.  

So, about the knitting...

Do you believe in ghosts?  Honestly, I'm not 100% sure how I feel about it/them but I do believe that our spirit leaves our body when we pass and that sometimes that spirit is strong enough to come back and visit occasionally.

Anyway, our house is over 100 years old.  It sits on land well-traveled by both sides during the Civil War.  American Revolution too, for that matter.  There's no record of anyone dying in the house but...  We joke that the house is haunted.  Doors slam shut or fly open by themselves.  Someone in one room will hear loud, angry banging on their bedroom door while the person in the next room hears nothing.  Dark shadowed and bright light human-ish shapes have been recorded on Hayden's baby monitor.  Megan, Hayden's mom, even once told the light shape that it was scaring her and asked it to leave.  The shape turned it's head toward the monitor/speaker, then walked through the door and to my knowledge, hasn't been seen again.  I've stepped out of the shower to find all the bathroom drawers standing open.  I've also seen shadow shapes flying around in my room at night. So yeah, we feel the house is haunted.  But Hayden is the only one who's felt real fear, or at least felt threatened.  (There was a month or two where she refused to go into the dining room because the 'spit monster' was in there.)

So, what does this have to do with knitting?

I'm knitting a hat using glow in the dark yarn.  That's a photo of it glowing in my dark closet, with no flash or any other light source, just the glowing yarn.  Pretty cool, right??

I left the hat on my desk near the window yesterday while I was at work and the yarn must have "charged" because I woke up in the middle of the night to find it glowing at me.  Scared me half to death for a minute until I realized what it was.

Anyway, I'm amazed at this yarn's ability to glow.  It's Lion Brand's DIY Glow.  My idea is to knit hats (and maybe dog sweaters in the future) that glow in the dark to help nighttime runners and dog walkers stay more visible in the dark.  In the sunlight, it just looks like a design knit with white yarn.

So, if you want to scare yourself silly in the middle of the night, get some DIY Glow and start knitting!


  1. Thanks for starting out my day with a laugh! Maybe make sure you put the hat in a bag at night from now on!

  2. Wow....that yarn is something else! That's a great idea for nighttime runners and walkers and would make great dog sweaters too.
    I don't want to believe in ghosts because the whole idea scares me but I swear when I was holding both my parent's hands as they passed I felt something move through me. It knocked me over when my mom passed, it was so strong. She always told the tale of waking to find her grandfather sitting on her bed telling her to be a good girl. She only learned that he had died in the night the next morning. He had never left his bed as he had had a stroke the evening before.

    1. I really do think our spirits can be strong.  Years ago, my best friend passed away.  Her favorite animal was the manatee.  During her funeral at the cemetery, which looked out over the James River in Richmond, there was a big commotion going on out in the river.  The next day, the news reported a manatee had been out there swimming in the river.  A manatee that had absolutely no business or reason to be that far up in the James River.  I'm convinced it was Liza saying goodbye to us all.
      Pretty weird stuff!  I just pray my spirit finds a nice yarn shop with a comfy couch to haunt when the time comes.  :)

  3. That hat would be great on a dusky walk!
