Saturday, September 7, 2024


I don't have much to report.  I've been busy knitting but since I'm craft show knitting, which means knitting the same thing over and over and over again.... There isn't much to talk about.

I knit a bunch of baby hats.  For some reason, my computer isn't allowing me to make any adjustments to the photo so...

Apa (it was supposed to be Grandpa but it came out Apa so...) and I took Hayden to Wendy's for lunch last week.  Hayden had the sniffles and it was THE dirtiest, nastiest Wendy's I've ever seen and between the two, I'm assuming, I caught a mean case of bronchitis.  If I ever stop coughing, I expect to have six twelve-pack abs.

I spent most of this week sitting napping on the deck.  I didn't test but I wonder if I had a touch of covid as well as the bronchitis.  I had the covid-like narcolepsy and there was one day where I really thought I should go to the ER because I just could not catch my breath.  Anyway, I spent most the week lounging on the deck watching the train go by.  Y'all thought I was making it up about living on the the edge of the tracks, didn't you?

To help me feel better, Sarah made me homemade tomato soup made with fresh veggies from the garden.  I was a little leery.  How could it be better than Campbell's?  I don't know, but it was!  It was Delicious! Her grilled cheeses are better than mine too. I'm a little jealous.

The soup must have worked because I'm starting to feel better and even began craft show knitting again. Thank goodness for September's cooler temperatures and lower humidity.  I was even able to sit outside and knit faux fur headbands today.  

Actually, over the last 2 days, I've also started three new, non craft show projects.  First, I started a Christmas tree skirt, because naturally that's what you do when you are sick to death of knitting craft show stuff and you have Fall Fever.  About an hour later, I started a Halloween granny square tote bag because, well, you know, Christmas is a long way off.  And then and hour after that, the mailman stopped by and brought the yarn that wasn't supposed to arrive until next week so of course I had to immediately cast on a secret sweater for Sarah.  I'm pretty sure Sarah doesn't read the blog so I'm not too worried about mentioning it here.  Besides, as excited as I am with my progress, I haven't taken any photos.

Hope you are staying healthy and happy knitting!


  1. Sorry to hear you've been sick, but it sounds like you are on the mend now! And fortunately knitting is a great way to pass the time when you can't do much else other than sit around. I have never made homemade tomato soup -- sounds like your daughter's was amazing! There is nothing more comforting than grilled cheese and tomato soup.

    1. Thanks, Sarah. The soup was amazing. Being someone who's not crazy about change, I was a little leery of it. Now I'm afraid I'll never again enjoy plain old Campbell's.

  2. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. Everyone seems to have something again now that school's back in session.
    Grilled cheese and soup sounds really good. I was wondering what I was going to have for dinner and that just may be it.

  3. I hope you feel better soon! So far I have been healthy enough but I usually get sick around the holidays and the dead of winter.
