Friday, July 1, 2022


Sadly, not much knitting is happening here.  Covid caught up with me and between the INSANE exhaustion and the confusion/fuzzy headedness, knitting just isn't happening.  I tried to keep knitting the first day but I kept dozing off and then the stitches would fall off the needles. I wasn't making enough progress or enjoying the stitching enough to make it worth the effort so...

I pulled out a puzzle.  The puzzle seemed to help me focus a little bit better.  Focus is a huge problem at the moment.  Not only is my brain fuzzy and unfocused, I can't see properly.  Anyone else out there had problems with covid affecting their vision?  No matter how many times I clean my glasses or wipe/rub my eyes, I feel like I'm looking through a layer of Vaseline.  I can read large print books, but my phone, the computer and TV screens are blurry.  I can see the groundhog out in the yard 100+ yards away but I couldn't tell if it was a fly or a wasp in my room.  Normally it's the complete opposite.  It's very strange and I sure hope it's covid and not a new normal for my eyes.

Despite my new found blindness, I'm doing okay.  I don't feel great but there's no concern about needing a trip to the hospital.  I'm going to live through it.  Not sure what my mental state will be after five days of being shut in a room by myself but....  

I am very thankful that my husband was out of town when the symptoms started so I didn't have to worry about him.  The bedroom has it's own private bath and a huge closet full of my yarn, various craft supplies and of course, puzzles.  I have a TV in here as well as several full bookcases and a well stocked Kindle. We have a spare coffee pot so I set that up in here too.  And, Sarah has been great about bringing me food and drink... on paper plates so no one has to wash my dishes.  All in all, it's not a bad set-up.  A little lonely but I have everything I need and the family is safe from me.

And now, I think I'll go take another nap.


  1. Oh, dear.....I am so sorry. Covid brain is real and I've bet it's really scary. Carlos of Arne and Carlos on You Tube talked about it for a year after he had Covid. He couldn't knit either. I've got family members who have had Covid 2 and 3 times now and it's no joke. They get sicker each time. Rest as much as can. I've read you can avoid Long Covid if you really take that napping thing seriously. I hope you are feeling better soon. Great puzzle btw....

  2. I'm sorry you've been sick. My husband has it right now and didn't get too ill, but it's still a big bummer. I hope you're resting as much as you need to to make a full recovery. The knitting can wait.
