Sunday, July 31, 2016

July in review

Wow.  I can't believe today is July 31st.  Where has the month/summer gone??

Between work and the weather, July was definitely a month of non-accomplishments.

Reyna shawl, hand knit in KnitPicks Palette
Modified Reyna

I finished a modified Reyna shawl but it's still laying in a heap on the corner of my desk waiting to be blocked.  And if I'm honest, it's also waiting to have it's loose ends woven in.

I started another pair of Outlander inspired gloves but I haven't taken a single photo of them, nor knit a single stitch on them since the first week of July.

hand knit baby blanket in a checkerboard pattern
Great White

I did start and finish the Great White Thing.  I haven't photographed the final 'thing' yet because it's been too humid.  It's so humid that the interior of our house is dark and dreary like a super rainy day and the outside is just too damp.  I tried, for all of five minutes, to take outdoor photos recently but due to the heat and humidity, my sweat was dripping on the camera lens.  Eew!  One day soon I'll get photos taken and I'll also get Great White put into the mail (it's a gift) then I can give you some details.

Twisted top, hand knit stockinette sweater top

I've started Twisted three times.  Hopefully, as they say, the third time's the charm.  It started out on Knit Pick's Options needles but look how close the yarn color is to the needle color.  Even though Twisted is all stockinette, I couldn't deal with the lack of contrast between yarn & needle.  I also realized that, although I'd done a gauge swatch (for once!) I wasn't getting close to gauge.  I frogged it and started over on larger needles.  Four inches of re-knit Twisted and....  Yep, you guessed it.  Still not getting gauge.  I had to go up 4 needle sizes from the needles I'd swatched with.  This is why I rarely bother with swatching.  

Anyway, Twisted is back on track and I'm five or six inches into it.  But still no photos.  Have I mentioned the heat and humidity and sweat on the camera lens issues?

photos of sheep in Norway
#SheepWithAView, borrowed from

So that I don't leave you hanging with thoughts of my sweat, here's a #SheepWithAView photo.  I'm in love with #SheepWithAView.


  1. you've got to block the reyna shawl! I love the way mine came out :) I started a new shawl yesterday antarktis (spelling?) and I love it so far!!

    1. I feel like such a copy cat! Antarktis is 2nd up on my Ravelry que.
