Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Missing Month

Wow.  I have missed a whole month of blogging.  Good grief!  I had to get a post in today though, if for no other reason than to have it show up as 10-11-12.  Yes, I'm easily amused.

A lot has happened over the last month.  First, I became a Great Aunt.

Allison Danielle.  She's perfectly adorable & seems to sleep & eat when she's supposed to.  Can't ask more of a newborn than that!

As for the knitting, I've finished numerous projects and branched out to non-knitting.

It's a Scattered Leaves table runner.  I absolutely love it!  I looks like a pile of leaves scattered down the table.  I'm keeping this one for myself but I've also listed it as a Made to Order item in the Etsy shop.

And remember this shawl?  I loved it so much I decided to make another in shades of green, blue & purple.

Wow.  Is that showing up as being very washed out on your screen?  It's not looking anything like the actual colors on mine.

Have you ever wondered if a Lands End canvas tote bag is really worth the money?  I'm here to tell you, Yes!  I have two of them in different sizes and I absolutely LOVE them!  The handles on one have started to fray a bit but I've been carrying it around with me since I was 14 years old.  I'm 50 now!    That's 36 years of use and the bag itself is still going strong.  My other one is only 5 or 6 years old and it still looks great.  Well, it's a bit dirty - I don't think I've ever washed it, but other than dirt, it's showing no signs of wear at all.  But, my local craft store had bags that looked exactly like Lands End bags for about a fourth of the cost.  I bought one.  I washed it.  And look what happened -

The color ran.  Now, the white part has green splotches all over it and the green part has faded, almost white splotches all over it.  And if you look in the photo up above, you can also see that the cheap bag's seams are not finished.  You definitely get what you pay for with these bags.

Now, I must go knit some more on the cocoon baby sack for Allison.  She likes to be bundled, but she also likes to kick & keeps kicking off her blanket.

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